Porneste-ti afacerea cumparand wholesale shapewear

ROM: Bine ati revenit! Stiu ca v-am lipsit, dar asa cum v-am promis mai demult am revenit cu o idee de afacere pe care oricine o poate pune in aplicare. Ce este cel mai simplu de facut? Sa cumperi si sa vinzi mai departe, nu? Ei bine principala problema atunci cand alegem aceasta metoda este: Unde gasim furnizori? Ei bine, eu vin cu toate informatiile de care aveti nevoie.
ENG: Welcome! I know I missed you, but as I promised you before, I’m back with a business idea that anyone can implement. What is the easiest thing to do? To buy and sell on, right? Well, the main problem when we choose this method is: Where do we find suppliers? Well, I come with all the information you need.

ROM: Primul pas este alegerea produselor pe care le vom vinde. Aici este vorba de aceste corsete pentru sport. Ele vin in diverse variante, culori si marimi si tocmai de aceea sunt foarte atractive pentru un numar ridicat de femei. Pentru ca nu ne dorim sa le cumparam la pretul de vanzator cel mai bine este sa achizitionam wholesale shapewear. Aceste produse sunt la pret identic sau apropiat cu cel de producator ceea ce inseamna ca noi stabilim ce adaos comercial vom aplica. Partea cea mai buna este ca acest gen de magazine ne ofera si promotii si oferte ceea ce inseamna ca avem sansa de a plati si mai putin pe produse.
ENG: The first step is choosing the products we will sell. This is about these shapewear. They come in various variants, colors and sizes and that is precisely why they are very attractive to a large number of women. Because we don’t want to buy them at the seller’s price, it is best to buy wholesale shapewear. These products are at the same price or close to the manufacturer’s price, which means that we determine what commercial surcharge we will apply. The best part is that this type of store also offers us promotions and offers, which means that we have the chance to pay even less for products.

ROM: Pasul urmator este reprezentat de unde vom vinde. Aici eu recomand sa ne axam la inceput pe online. De ce? Pentru ca este mai ieftin. Un magazin fizic presupune: angajati, chirii, utilitati. Fara magazin fizic platim doar utilitatile noastre si aapoi daca totul merge bine putem sa deschidem si fizic. In plus mediul online ne permite sa anuntam din timp clientii despre ce produse urmeaza sa apara in stoc, putem vedea ce produse si-ar dori ei sa revina in stoc si astfel sa cumparam fix produsele de care clientii nostri au atat de multa nevoie. Un alt avantaj al mediului online este ca putem schimba rapid si usor „decorul” magazinului pentru a scoate in evidenta produsele pe care le oferim clientilor.
ENG: The next step is represented by where we will sell. Here I recommend that we focus on online at the beginning. Why? Because it’s cheaper. A physical store requires: employees, rents, utilities. Without a physical store, we only pay for our utilities and then if everything goes well, we can open a physical one as well. In addition, the online environment allows us to notify our customers ahead of time about which products are going to appear in stock, we can see which products they would like to have back in stock and thus buy the products that our customers need so much. Another advantage of the online environment is that we can quickly and easily change the „decoration” of the store to highlight the products we offer to customers.

ROM: Un alt lucru de care trebuie sa tinem cont este numarul de produse pe care le vom oferi clientilor. Tocmai de aceea eu recomand sa cumparati la inceput wholesale waist trainers in bulk. Astfel veti avea un numar mare de produse, dar si un numar diversificat de marimi. Asta inseamna ca vor exista putine situatii in care clientii vostri nu vor gasi produsul cautat. Mai apoi vet putea decide ce produse cumparati. Sper ca v-am fost de ajutor.
ENG: Another thing we have to take into account is the number of products we will offer to customers. That’s exactly why I recommend buying wholesale waist trainers in bulk at first. Thus you will have a large number of products, but also a diversified number of sizes. This means that there will be few situations in which your customers will not find the product they are looking for. Then you can decide which products to buy. I hope I was of help to you.